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Smoking - Just Don't Smoke

Smoking - Just Don't Smoke

Don't smoke and don't be around people that do. If your parents or friends smoke tell them not to. Here are some smoking facts you should think about:

Smoking does horrible things to your body and likely will kill you.

Every 8 seconds, somewhere in the world, a person dies from tobacco related causes.

Tobacco products are the only legal consumer product that is harmful when used exactly as the manufacturer intended.

Each year 3.5 million smokers in the world die from tobacco related causes.

More people die from tobacco related illness in the United States each year than from car crashes, alcohol, homicides, fire, illegal drugs, and Aids combined.

Smokeless tobacco and chewing tabacco are just as dangerous as smoking tobacco.

Second hand smoke in the air causes cancer and premature death in 3,000 non-smokers each year. Stay away from smokers.