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Why Run?

Why Run?

A very wise man named George Sheehan said, "There are as many reasons for running as there are days in the year." Here are a few of them.

Running is FUN and makes you healthier. Your body was meant to move and be active. You don't have to move or run fast, but you do have to be active and move your body. You should try to run or walk each day for 30 minutes.

Running improves your heart, lungs, and flow of blood through your body. It makes your cardio-vascular system the best it can be.

Running helps you in other sports. No matter what sport you do as you get older, running will make you better.

Running prevents weight gain and being overweight.

Running improves your immune system and makes it harder to catch colds and other diseases.

Running actually gives you more energy. For every minute you sit in front of the TV or the computer make sure you run/walk/or be active as well for the same amount of time.

Running can actually make you smarter. Studies show that improved blood flow to the brain because of running actually makes your brain work better and makes you smarter.

Running makes you feel better and be happier. An active body improves your mood and the way you feel the whole day.

Running is something you can do with your friends or by yourself. You can talk and joke and laugh and tell stories with your friends while you run. Or sometimes you just want to run by yourself and be able to think about things yourself and running allows you to do that as well.

Running allows you to get close to nature. You can run on trails, in parks, on grass, on roads, and enjoy the trees, flowers, hills, and other sights that you can only see while running or walking.

If you want you can run races and see how fast you can go. It is exciting to compete and run against others and see how far and how fast you can run. It's the oldest sport and the most exciting!